Decoded version of the DE2011-DL ultra-compact high performance 2D imager engine with capture at 60 fps.
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DSE0420 2D Decoded Scan Engine, USB (Minimum order quantity 16 units or multiple of 16, pricing is based on each single unit)
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.
DSE0420 2D Scan Engine, Demo Kit
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.
Decoded 2D scan module- USB interface (Minimum order quantity 16 units or multiple of 16, pricing is based on each single unit)
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.
DSE0421 INT 2D DEC ENG, USB+mUSB BdSB Bd (Minimum order quantity 8 units or multiple of 8, pricing is based on each single unit)
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface (Minimum order quantity 10 units or multiple of 10, pricing is based on each single unit)
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface- Remote scanner (Minimum order quantity 10 units or multiple of 10, pricing is based on each single unit)
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface with RJ45 Connector Board and Remote scanner.(Minimum order quantity 10 units or multiple of 10, pricing is based on each single unit.)
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface with RJ45 Connector Board. ( Minimum order quantity 8 units or multiple of 8, pricing is based on each single unit.)
Poducto restringido, asegúrese de disponer las aprobaciones del fabricante.