Legend™️ 460MOD03 Flip Lid: An industry-leading cash drawer that accepts most European currencies, built for durability with 4m+ cycles and low ownership costs.
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460 Flip Lid Cash Drawer, Black, 460 x 170 x 100, 3m RJ11 cable, 24v, Euro & Sterling insert
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460 Flip Lid Drawer, 8C6VN Integral Lid, All Black, 460 x 170 x 100, 3m RJ11 cable, MUL 24v, 800 RAN
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460mm Wide High Security Flip Lid with Deep Cash Box, Black, 24v RJ11 8C 5N Insert
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460 Flip Lid Drawer, 8C4VN, Dark Grey, Painted Lid, 460 x 170 x 100, 3m RJ11 cable, MUL 24v, RAN
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460 Flip Lid Drawer, 8C6VN Integral Lid, Black, S/Stl Lid, 460 x 170 x 100, 3m RJ11 cable, MUL 24v, 800 Alike
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High Sec 460 Flip Lid, 8C4VN Insert, Black, Stainless Lid, 460 x 175 x 100, Hardwired, RPT Lock RAN
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460 Self Skimmer Flip Lid, 460x170x100 mm, Black, 8C4N insert, 3 m RJ12 24V interface
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460W170D100H 1LLS-177BK-PL-MULM01-AC-K80SR-NI
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Restricted item, ensure you have correct supplier approvals.
460W170D100H 1 Lock 1 SLOT Black color-Brushed, stainless steel, lead I/f IBM (connection), Alike keys, Insert of 8 coins and 4 vertical notes with lockable lid random keys
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139mm High, Sterling & Euro(8 coins 6 notes) Random Key, Black fine texture 80177,
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High Sec 460 Flip Lid, 8C6VN Metal Integral Lid, Black, Painted Lid, 460 x 175 x 100, DUA+RJ11 cable, RPT Lock RAN
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Park kit lead insert for 460MOD and MICRO
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Adapter cable Dual 1.5MTRS. 9WAY D-SKT(F)-EPSON TM - 24v D.O.
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Spare Plastic Integral Lid Insert for 460MOD, 8C6VN, RAN
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(PROJECT ITEM) Spare Insert for MICRO-0172
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