Improve productivity and quality control with the DS4678-DPE, the handheld scanner that’s purpose-built for electronics and light industrial manufacturing and that can capture laser etched direct part marks, high density and low contrast codes.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Select, Advanced Replacement, within 30 days of hardware. 3 year, inc comp cover, Fastrack doorstep exchange (UK Only), commissioning and dashboard. Min quantity of 50.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Select, Advanced Replacement, within 30 days of hardware. 5 year, inc comp cover, Fastrack doorstep exchange (UK Only), commissioning and dashboard. Min quantity of 50.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Select, Advanced Replacement, within 30 days of hardware. 3 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, commissioning and dashboard.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Select, Advanced Replacement, within 30 days of hardware. 5 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, commissioning and dashboard.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, after 30 days of hardware. 3 year, inc. comp cover and standard battery maint for standard battery.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, after 30 days of hardware. 3 year, inc. comp cover and premier battery maint for standard battery.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, after 30 days of hardware. 3 year, inc. comp cover, premier battery maint for standard battery, commissioning (if enabled for 20+ devices) and dashboard.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, after 30 days of hardware. 3 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, commissioning and dashboard.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Select, Advanced Replacement, after 30 days of hardware. 3 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, commissioning and dashboard.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, after 30 days of hardware. 3 year, inc. comp cover, standard battery maint for standard battery, commissioning (if enabled for 20+ devices) and dashboard.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Select, Advanced Replacement, renewal of existing contract. 1 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, commissioning and dashboard.
DS4678 Zebra OneCare Select, Advanced Replacement, renewal of existing contract. 3 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, commissioning and dashboard.